This film follows the first class of students at a remarkable leadership center in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, a region often referred to as "the worst place in the world to be a woman." These women have been through unspeakable violence spurred on by a 20 year war driven by colonialism and greed. In the film, they band together with the three founders of this cen...
这部电影讲述了刚果民主共和国东部一个卓越的领导中心的第一届学生的故事,该地区通常被称为“世界上最不适合女性的地方”。这些妇女经历了由殖民主义和贪婪驱动的 20 年战争引发的无法形容的暴力。在影片中,他们与这个中心的三位创始人联...
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