美国历史:巴拿马运河 Panama Canal

Panama Canal features a fascinating cast of characters ranging from the indomitable Theodore Roosevelt, who saw the Canal as the embodiment of American might and ingenuity, to Colonel William Gorgas, an army doctor who instituted a revolutionary public health campaign that all but eradicated Yellow Fever, to the visionary engineers who solved the seemingly impossible problem of...


PBS美国印象系列《巴拿马运河 Panama Canal 2011》结合照片和影像资料,并采访了当时的工人,介绍世上最伟大的工程技术进步的非凡故事。这个1.5小时的纪录片用平淡的口气叙述了美国100多年前的一个创举,修筑巴拿马运河这场豪赌以美国全胜结束。几个看点如下:

熟肉 百度网盘 英语内嵌中字 720P高清纪录片  , 提取码: tdvz
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