The new 2x60 minutes series, titled Ireland With Simon Reeve, follows Simon as he travels around the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland - one of the most beautiful islands in the world: a place steeped in culture, history and belief, but one with a complex and troubled past. The series will look at how centuries of religion, history and politics have shaped life there and...
在BBC纪录片《西蒙·里夫爱尔兰之旅 Ireland with Simon Reeve 2015》中,探险记者西蒙·里夫开始了他的发现之旅。这次,他将前往爱尔兰的魅力岛屿,举世闻名的绿宝石岛,它堪称全世界最美丽的岛屿之一。从海岸线上惊险的悬崖风景到城镇中的当代现实生活,西蒙希望通过这段旅程了解它复杂的过去,并展望未来的日子。
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